Ready for a mani/pedi but stuck in a color rut? Read below to find out what your nail polish says about you!
Red: Known as the color of confidence, it’s fierce and in your face! Red is the girl all the guys want and all the girls want to be! Your Anthem: Tik tok-Ke$ha
Blue: A restless girl who lives and breathes art, she shops vintage and collects colorful things. Your Anthem: Soul sister-Train
Yellow: Young, fun and carefree! Yellow is spontaneous, the girl always down for a weekend roadtrip! Your anthem: Seventeen forever-Metro Station
Green: Calm and serene like the wind in the trees? AS IF! Green is the girl who’s bringing sassy back! She’s the girl who runs around barefoot and has pixie-sticks for blood. Your Anthem: Ocean Avenue-Yellow Card
Pink: When it’s all about the lipgloss, pink is hardcore girly girl! A hopeless romantic, pink sees the world through rose-colored glasses. Your anthem: Just Dance-Lady Gaga
Orange: If life were an episode of FRIENDS, Orange would be the Chandler of nail polishes! Your Anthem: Starstrukk-3oh!3
Purple: The color of glamour, purple is a Diva and damn proud of it! Your anthem: I do not hook up-Kelly Clarkson
Nude: A free spirit who lives in her flip-flops, with a style that changes like the wind! Your anthem: Fireflies-Owl city
Black: Here comes trouble! Black is the girl that rocks the party, or starts one wherever she goes! Your Anthem: Rockstar101-Rihanna
Insider tip: Want a great color without breaking your budget? Try sinful colors! I use it myself because for $1.99 you can’t go wrong!
Keep it fabulous, babe!
XXOO Rosalie
XXOO Rosalie
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Rosalie, Abrielle Etoile and Jolie-Miette