Today in our society we are having a big recycling problem. With the way we are helping the earth these days who knows how much longer before it dies. Come on we can do better than this! Recycling is easily done as said. Take that soda bottles put it with the plastics,take that pop can put it with the cans,you get money if you take your cans in so why not do that? Because then you know for sure that they recycle. Nowadays you can go outside and see plastic things everywhere. You know it will stay there for thousands of years if you do not pick it up and put it with the recyclables. There are so many simple and easy ways to recycle.
If you live in a house,you can get a compost bin and put your excess food in it,instead of just throwing it away. If you have extra boxes you are not using and are just dying to throw away flatten them and put them in your recycling bin,if you have metal put it in your recycling bin,if you have extra clothes you don't wear,donate! See these are all easy simple ways.
Some people just don't know how brittle our planet is. They don't know that it needs us to keep it surviving,so far we are doing a very poor job this planet depends on us to take care of it and now our planet is slowly dying because we are not willing to take 5 to 10 minutes out of the day to sort our garbage.
Til I écrire de nouveau,
Abrielle Etoile
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Rosalie, Abrielle Etoile and Jolie-Miette