lesson #2: homemade lipgloss
says: "I'm crafty...and adorable!"
You will need:
1. Petroleum jelly
2. Microwave safe container
3. Flavor of your choice
4. And a small lipgloss pot
Scoop some petroleum jelly into microwave safe container and microwave until liquid. Mix in your flavor, stir well, and pour into lipgloss pot. Refrigerate. Enjoy! ;)
Flavor ideas:
Hot chocolate mix
Pop rocks
(be sure to melt them first!)
Crushed candy cane
Unsweetened kool aid
(this will stain your lips a bit so no crazy colors)
Your favorite soda pop
Insider tip: Undecided on a flavor? Ask your boyfriend! Make a game out of it, let him pick or mix your favorite with his--the possibilities are endless! After all, the point of lipgloss is for someone else to take it off. ;)
Keep it Fabulous, babe!
XXOO Rosalie
questions? comments? complaints?
e-mail me @: elleaditce@yahoo.com subject: Dear Rosalie
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Rosalie, Abrielle Etoile and Jolie-Miette