So, recently, I was browsing the web when I found this youtube video about something called Pogoism. I proceeded to watch the video and found it magnificent! It is based in Australia, and was an ad for some Australian art school at They created this new art form, "Pogoism", for the Australia Council for the Arts, in order to get grants for Art graduates. Isn't that neat? I wish they'd start something like that here. Or maybe they have and I just haven't looked hard enough.
Anyway, on with the post!
Anyway, on with the post!
It is filmed in some sort of warehouse, where they lay all these layers down, followed by a canvas over the layers. Next, the pogo stick athletes proceed with wearing protective garments, dip their pogo sticks in the artist's desired color, and then jump around the canvas. The artist directs them where to go and what to do, and it turns out to be pretty fabulous (:
My thoughts on this? I love it! I love new forms of art to try out. I'm hoping that, someday, I'll be able to try this out. Good exercise, art, and who doesn't love pogo sticks? I can't wait!
What are your thoughts on this? Comment below or send an email to, subject "Dear Jolie-Miette"
That's incredible! Love it :)
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Rosalie, Abrielle Etoile and Jolie-Miette