Now, this post is not going to be like most of my apartment posts. This one is none the less important, though, as it will teach you the basics of what you need to look for when searching for an apartment. Also, I'll throw in some money-saving tips for your budget when it comes to television, decoration, etc.
First off: Rental Prices
Let's say you and your future (or current) roommates find a good-sized apartment. Its got a kitchenette, a couple bedrooms and a bathroom and a half with a nice main room. Its a good price, too, something you all can easily pitch in to pay for. If you look a little closer, though, you all find it doesn't supply internet, and it doesn't pay for cable or a laundry service. The only thing it does pay for is sewer garbage and water.
You keep looking for an apartment and find one that is just a little bit more expensive than the last, but it includes free internet, a nice laundromat within the building and pays for cable along with water, sewer and garbage. Its also a little bigger than the last. Pretty neat, right?
The main things that you want to look for in rental prices are what they include: do they pay for internet? What about cable? Does it include a laundry service, or will you have to provide that yourself? They are all important aspects to consider when searching for an apartment, and all will save you money.
Next: Location
Another important part of finding an apartment is the location; is it close to shopping, or do you have to drive 15 minutes just to find a Safeway? Is it close to your school and your work? These are all important things to consider. The proximity of your apartment will not only save you time - but save you gas money, too.
Lastly: Neighborhood
The neighborhood of your new apartment is also very important. Its important to find a place that is in a safe neighborhood. Posh may not be within your range of a budget, but that doesn't mean it needs to be low in the dumps. If you can't find the safest neighborhood, never walk alone and always have your keys in hand. Your safety should always be first and foremost, so be smart when it comes to location in order to prevent any danger from happening.
Now, for some money tips.
If you're anything like me, you don't really need T.V. Its not a big deal for you if you don't have cable (unless its Turner Classic Movies, of course. That's a must.) And, if you're anything like our generation, you're a tech geek or have grown up with electronics all around you (unless you have somehow managed to live in a cave your whole life. This is a slim possibility.) SO, why not just ditch cable? Get an Xbox (your boyfriend may already have one) and use Netflix - unlimited movies (and shows, I believe) available to you at anytime for only $10.00 a month! That saves you on paying for cable and all those useless channels with nothing to watch.
Want to decorate, but have a tight budget? Go to some garage sales with a group of friends (make sure one of you has a truck/car just in case.) Shop through thrift stores, or vintage stores. Maybe, even, make your OWN things. There are plenty of online DIYs (Do It Yourself in case you didn't know) that teach you how to make all sorts of things to decorate your plain new apartment - without paint.
If you keep these tips in mind, you'll be sure to find a happy-medium that is affordable for you.
What are your thoughts on this? Do you have anymore tips to add? Comment below or email me at, subject "Dear Jolie-Miette"
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Rosalie, Abrielle Etoile and Jolie-Miette